
Women have nice small breast. ascendant/"rising sign": what people see when they meet you for the first time. Aries Rising may be with a darker/tanner skin coloring and there may be scars or marks about the head. And you can often walk away from them totally buying into whatever they said until you stop and think some more. Overall, those with tenth house stelliums often do well financially and can manifest success in career with little effort (though they often work very hard).11th house - A stellium in the eleventh house will equal out to be someone who is everyones best friend. Frequently they have naturally straight hair, and dark or olive complexions. It seems like they are always eager to understand themselves more and be more authentic, keeping them on a journey of self-discovery. Look for a face that is sober, strongly observant and critical, to the point where you undeniably feel judged. That is, unless the reaction is outright defiance. Prominent forehead with thick eyebrows that accentuate the bridge of the nose. They may be a little out of touch with traditional reality, and take to daydreaming and mental exploration. Look for a serene, calm, and kind face that still has a way of appearing strong and even formidable. They will make an impression as being hyper self-aware and knowing the effect they have on others. Cancerascending In any case, there is a distinct sense that they are hiding something, which can be bothersome upon first impression. Instead, they will spend a lot of time teaching you things. Capricorn:Capricornascending Interestingly, members of this sign often have smaller-than-expected ears. They have an easy going eccentricity and a bohemian appearance. 2nd house -Second house stelliums are always out for security. Their height tends to be average and their body is strong with regular legs. Other times, they can be thinking and thinking so hard that the conversation becomes awkward. These people don't come off as very intense or aggressive. WHATS UP VIRGO RISINGS), Not everyone will resonate, especially because, Also consider your whole chart too!! It is a sense of being weird and fully accepting it. The most common trait is asking a lot of variations of are you alright? On first impression, a shyness or reticence can be obvious. Its not that Western placements are untrue, but my theory is that Western is showing us the physical world since it is showing us the sky as it is from Earth, but Vedic is showing us the non-physical. Whatever sign the stellium is in will show us what they are trying to express and how they go about it. You will hear them speaking a lot about amazing experiences theyve had or that they want to have. It's uncommon to find a Libra that doesn't catch your eye with their natural beauty . Sagittariusascending Leo Rising people are generally generous, extroverted, direct and passionate. Anyone with a Capricorn stellium in the 4th house will have an opposition of energy, and will tend to reject the idea of nostalgic, Cancerian values that typically comes with a fourth house stellium. Are us cancers the least attractive water sign. Scorpio rising is an expert at obsession! They really emphasize going against conventional thought, whether its your ideas or peoples on a large scale, and can get you to see something in a new way. Leo: Aquarius: Dark or light, the gaze will be piercing and direct, and unless theyre shooting vengeful daggers from them, people will often comment on how beautiful their eyes are. In astrology, you will commonly read that your Ascendant (ASC) or Rising Sign describes your appearance. They suppress their voice a lot and dont speak up so that they dontmake any mess socially or emotionally, and can be really hard on themselves in that way. Virgoascending Once Capricorn risings get past their discomfort, they will appear fresh and warm. LEO: a Leo rising will frequently have mane-like hair, framing their keen-eyed, well-shaped faces. taurus SAGITTARIUS RISING A strong sense of adventure is ever-present. But, at other times, they can seem mysteriously distracted by something else. The ascendant changes zodiac signs about every two hours. Many are pale in complexion (pale dont equal white jsyk) and can maintain the famous poker-face, able to keep their inner emotions from their outward expressions. This also correlates to each signs ruling planet. Its something that you can just feel in the air and it can be vaguely uncomfortable. The sign the stellium is in will show the type of home base the individual is seeking out. They will stand and move like trained royalty. They are usually tall and lean. They may have interest in the occult or stranger sides of spirituality. usually gives dreamy facial traits (really large round or bulging eyes, often light colored, nice shaped often thick eyebrows, delicate skin, arched forehead, big or flat nose, wide mouth, etc.). These people like to discuss themselves in a way that is often very revealing. Their duality is obvious and they can speak of themselves in 3rd person or like a detached observer. scorpio 4th house -Fourth house stellium people are intensely shaped by their home environment, either in childhood or in adulthood (or both). Novelty will be the main motivator, and loss of freedom the biggest discomfort. Prominent forehead with thick eyebrows that accentuate the bridge of the nose. best hair of the rising signs, stunning lips and smiles, intense eyes, kinda perfect tbh Attracted to/attracts fire risings, libra, scorpio, pisces risings Taurus rising Lovely necks and collar bones, tired eyes, odd shaped noses and rough around the edges, but this just adds to their sex appeal They may be fat. They are tall and their body is usually lean ( sometimes women have curves ). Libra: In males, the Adam's apple is pronounced. Broad foreheads and cheerful expressions are the norm, as are quick movements and dramatic gestures. The Rising Sign or the Ascendant is what defines how you present yourself to the world, including your looks. ARIES RISINGThere is just something really upfront about this person. having to care for a family member, or supporting an entire group of people). Even when they are mean or in a bad mood, they either express it quietly or they feel immediately bad after it. Also watch out for theatrical facial expressions (when theyre not looking rather haughty or proud) and a dramatization of the simplest statements. They are comfortable saying controversial things and speaking up about their opinions partially for this reason- if they already have the social and emotional awareness to know how people will react to their behaviour, they dont have to be afraid of anything that comes their way as far as backlash goes because they already anticipated it! Average height, can be stout or even prone to weight gain. aries Creative energy is heightened, and these people often love children and animals. There is something very unperturbed about them, as if they have their own special form of peace or pleasure that no one else can ruin. button nose, great skin, the eyes are often dark and rounded, long lashes, delicate bone structure, etc.). I feel like she should have an Aqua or Pisces Rising (or maybe Uranus or Neptune Rising.). focus drawn to eyes and nose; eyebrows and/or eyes can seem harsh, nose can be long and/or aquiline. ARIES risings tend to embody this energy of being both slightly distant, slightly somewhere else, yet simultaneously very on edge and physically responsive to their surroundings. They are supportive, kind and spiritual. They may get involved with art. To find your dominant planet, go here. No other rising sign is at more of a risk to use sex as a weapon or become all consumed by love and passion. They will usually have full cheekbones, plump lips, almond shaped eyes, attractive smiles and luscious hair. Bright, clear eyes with a gentle but direct expression, delicate noses, and well-shaped, curvy lips. eighthousesun:. "Benjamin Disraeli, Marilyn Monroe, Neptune in Leo conjunct the Ascendant. According to the rising sign meaning, once they get to know you, they might come to admire your courage and confidence. They have long legs and their skin may be problematic. GEMINI RISING A lot of nervous energy surrounds these people. 9th house -A ninth house stellium often manifests as an innate curiosity about everything under the sun. They may have great, big asses. The 1st House or the Ascendant is the sign rising over the eastern horizon at the time of birth. Ive noticed Sagittarius risings often dont show up to social events either for mysterious reasons- they wont really explain why or itll seem mysterious in nature but they wont show up, and people tend to miss them/worry about them because of it. They have artistic fingers and dreamy eyes that charm everyone. Typically your karma as well. Aries rising will most likely walk in a brisk, confident way. Regardless, the basic essence of the sign on the Ascendant will still be there. The exception is a Pisces sixth house stellium. This can sometimes mean, however, insisting that other people agree with them. The face most often is straight along the edges so that the forehead/temples are about the same width as the lower jaw. quitting stable jobs, ending relationships that seem to be going well, etc. Of course out of the kindness of their Venusian hearts as well, but also just for peace. Some may have a ruddy or weathered look to their complexion, and choose to let their eyes wander around a room, as opposed to holding their gaze in one place. The second decan is between 10-20 degrees. They do also behave like immovable objects. Also naturally slim and agile, and even if there is weight gain, they just seem like they should be tall and thin, even when theyre not. They are usually slim without curves. VIRGO: Gentle and graceful of movement, as well as a youthful appearance regardless of age. On the opposing end, someone with a Virgo stellium in the fifth house would express themselves a bit more subtly, and would work very hard on their individual creative contributions. LEO risings Ive noticed are very in their regal energy and confidence all the time not really taking things too seriously and more focused on just living an awesome life, but when personal things or things related to family or the heart come up even slightly, they get VERY fierce and something in them just seems to rise from within them. Lastly, they also might resemble their father. As per the rising sign predictions, the Ram rules the head and eyes, you may find problems with headaches and eye problems. They dont have to get emotional to do this, and dont have this inner fire to pursue deep thinking like Scorpio Sun would, they just do immediately and instinctively and it can be very crazy making for us. They have long arms and legs. So while Leo Cancer romances might not be a match made in heaven personality wise, their Ascendant physical traits could create an undeniable attraction. CANCER: Their most prominent feature is a round face. Also, they have a way of slowing things down, which manifests to the way they actually speak. The idea of the unknown is overly appealing to them, so much so that a regular routine is unthinkable and binding in their eyes. dominant planets and signs, planets in your first house). Overall, all people with second house stelliums are focused in the material realm, and many like nice possessions, a well-kept house, and being in touch with their bodies through art, sports or dance. They walk in a guarded manner, very cautious. In facial outline identification, it is best to look at pictures of the person while still fairly young so you are not fooled by weight gain, sagging, fluid retention. ], The 12 signs and the human body parts which they rule. The third degree is between 20-30 degrees. Even if they dont know you well, they wont hesitate to correct you and set you straight on something youre wrong about. These people tend to be investigative, curious and sometimes very suspicious of the world around them. Rounded eyes tend to give a moony or dreamy expression. 1st house -A first house stellium will make a person focused on their own self identity and how they project that into the world. Part 1 Part 2 Can be rounded, but are usually noticeably slender or longish but often with wider foreheads. A strong, upright bone structure paired with quick movements is characteristic of Aries rising. Discover more posts about rising-sign. You may catch them staring at their own expressions in the mirror, busy analyzing perceived flaws, but only when they think no ones looking. The forehead area rounds or slants inward more than the fixed or mutable faces.FIXED - RECTANGULAR OR SQUARISH/BLOCKY FACES. However, there . Often these individuals do better in a less rigid schooling environment, and may do a lot of studying on their own. The thing is, having a Scorpio Sun or Moon can make you very deep thinking too, but the thing about Scorpio rising is that this mode of deep thinking is initiated in their IMMEDIATE, environment, because thats what the rising sign is about. They also might wear the color black a lot or incorporate it into their appearance. They may have beautiful long legs and their hair is usually thick, straight, smooth and light, often blonde. Frequently they can look somewhat fragile, but surprise you with their physical strength. The rising sign is split into 3 decans. Sometimes those with eighth house stelliums will have a lot of experience with intense change. There are distinct moments where youll feel them resisting or cautiously approaching the subject or answer. Upon first impression, they may not be able to stop laughing or making jokes. Ultimately, this sign gives us an idea of what you look like, specifically when it comes to your visual and physical attractiveness. Pisces risings are amazing at bringing ideas to life as well, if they have an idea, they can explain it to you to a degree that they can make you feel like you BOTH had that idea and both have an emotional connection to it. They have a casual and relaxed personality as individuals. Look at the sign the stellium is in! These people are great listeners and equally known as great story-tellers. It could be that theyre very practical and always let you know how practical they are. It's the lens you see the world through and describes how others perceive you when they first meet you. the lower lip is full and may stick out a little,the nose is round-shaped or turned up, Their facial features are slim. In any case, you will find that his descriptions for these really pinpoint the demeanor and mannerisms rather focus on the physical attributes which is very refreshing!!! They will do thenormal stuff like go to school/work, do normal every day stuff but theyll often not fully divulge whats going on emotionally (which is why to me it makes sense that Sagittarius becomes Scorpio in most cases in Vedic). For example, someone with Capricorn rising with Saturn in Gemini will have mixed Capricorn/Gemini (or Saturnine/Mercurial) facial characteristics. Their movements can be slow, but dramatic and extremely leonine! Eyes tend to be almond shaped, often a darker shade. Gemini The opposite end of this is an Aries stellium in the seventh house. They also love to wax philosophical, so there will be many recurring talks about the journey and how much theyve grown as a person. A Taurus stellium here will show a person who wants a stable home with nice things in it, or possibly in nature. Small noses with a prominent tip, round chin, and fair complexion. The passion of this rising sign may throw folks off if their Sun sign and features reflect a Taurus, or Libra who have a softer, less intense, more amiable appearance and features. You could not define someone with an eighth house stellium as mundane or dull. They are usually optimistic, gregarious and a bit wacky or unusual. Welcome to My Astrology Blog, a fun meme astrology blog with zodiac related articles, trivia, Q&As and much more. In males, the Adam's apple is pronounced. A certain shyness is usually present but they are so giving and personable that they can seem more outgoing than they are. They will be very obviously appreciative of your humor. western astrology Aries: Taller than average, spindly body, elongated face and neck. Small hands and feet. similar broadness to taurus in shoulders and back . As we take on a body, we become an individual and our unique charts are formed. They tend to be social beings, or fascinated by writing, reading, storytelling, songwriting, etc. Theyll do it themselves and can come on quite strong. They get things done, and know the best path to take to get the most work done. 10th house -Having a stellium in the tenth house will give you a solid foundation on which to stand. http://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=920. Scorpio ascending They may be fat. Check the sign. This is will cover their break downs and subinfluences. GEMINI: Gemini risings are the kind of people whose faces are an open book, you can often tell what theyre feeling just by the look on their face. pisces ascending usually gives expressive facial traits (Well shaped high forehead, the nose is often very long and straight, sparkly and small eyes, usually dark colored, puffy eyes) , thin lips, bony face, etc.). CAPRICORN: You may often be struck by cap risings well-modulated, often deep speaking voices. They will come up with inside jokes with people they meet, will network, and find a uniting factor between themselves and any given person. Theyre not exactly. Before I start listing placements I want to make clear that our dominant sign and planet has a strong influence no matter what. Most undoubtedly possess Taurus qualities with a noticeable blend of his or her rising sign.) GEMINI (Im using a Dove because they are messengers just like Gemini) risings are super playful and easy to get along with, they make you feel comfortable and at home in conversation like youve known each other for years. You may be giving only a halfhearted effort to deal with struggles that arise. Your decan has a huge influence on your ascendant, it show's the co-planetary ruler of your chart, as well as changes some of your features too. birth chart TL;DR: "Your rising sign blends with your Sun and Moon signs to give you a more accurate snapshot of your personality," says astrologer Taanaz Chubb, author of My Pocket Mantras and founder of . To start, everyone knows their sun sign; if you were born between August 23 and . Possible birthmarks or other scars on the face or head. They try to please all their friends, and their friends become their family. the ascendant, along with planets which fall in the first house and the signature sign, is one of the most significant astrological indicators for physical appearance*. This face will generally sport a straight, well-shaped nose reaching up to seemingly prominent eyebrows, like a T-shape. The thing is that they do it in the sweetest or most reasonable way and you may feel silly for trying to sway them. "Your Sign As" an actual, in depth analysis based on your entire chart. They are also open about their failures or their struggles. But, there is a lot of emphasis on agreeing with people. On the other end, a Capricorn stellium in the seventh would try to connect through more serious matters or would network for their career or education. A planet becomes dominant in the natal chart when it is posited in a sign of its rulership, when it is posited near an angle on the natal chart, when it rules the Sun or Ascendant, or when it forms numerous aspects in the natal chart. Theyd rather give to everyone and show their cards than find themselves feeling in debt to others, or like people are angry with them or anything. Your IC, or Immum Coeli, just as much as your Ascendant (Rising Sign), shows your appearance. They think about things in a big picture way, and enjoy projects that allow them and their friends to work together to make changes in the world. usually gives mature, goat-like facial traits (big ears, nice serious eyes, really bony face, high cheekbones, thin and flat lips, usually crooked teeth, wrinkles or fine lines, etc.). Cancer stelliums in the third house come at conversation and writing through using their emotions, and noticing others feelings and subtle social cues. The presence of Pluto, Uranus, Saturn or Neptune in this stellium could make this even more apparent. According to astrologer Liz Greene, during our time in the womb, the universe is simply the self. The "what do you do" question can cause them to really light up and become engaged. They will normally be very graceful when walking, and facial structure will be more rounded. Also, like children, their self-concern is very obvious. An insistence on not being that sensitive is a dead giveaway. They have a message and they want to get it out to the world. There is an energy of eagerness, empathy, and naivety to these natives. They are just always being honest about their shortcomings and the work they need to do, including on themselves. Mar 26, 2017. A face that is constantly grinning is a sign, as well as eyes that naturally smile or smize. Members of this sign are very sensitive to the weather and air pressure, so expect to find them bundled up in the winter and stripped down in hot weather. Security has a slightly different meaning to every individual, so whatever sign the stellium is in will show us how the individual seeks out this security. but in some circumstances it is understandable. You are the combination of your, extra (when i say extra, i mean REAL EXTRA, they really take their times finding the right style and the best way to express themselves, especially being ruled by mars), come off as impatient, that look that says, can have babie faces but with strong features, they look like they dont take shit from anyone, very unique way of walking and posture, since aries rules the head, head up baby, ruled by venus they exuberate natural beauty, usually very well dressed, and always with the best clothes (fabrics that have a luxurious tone to it, even if it is a simple scarf), looks like they take a slow and steady approach to life, can really enjoy going to different restaurants and trying different foods, they have well defined senses, can have a beautiful way of speaking and presenting themselves, they all have that witty aura with dry looking eyes as if they were thinking, their eyes and minds hold soo many information and you can see that by just looking at them, their fashion style is a secondary vocal away to tell something about their personality, theres REALLY A LOT of celebrities with gemini rising, being a mutable sign, out of the four mutables, gemini is the most expressive one, the one that sets the tone where it goes, you never now what to expect from them, can usually really enjoy tattoos, piercings, their fashion sense can go a million different aways, there is just nothing that a gemini rising cant be, very warm and emotional smiles, like a mother smiling for the first time to their child, beautiful big eyes with a watery feeling to it, at first they look shy and in their own space, can come off as highly sensitive in a negative or positive way, their fashion style is usually soft, with particular styles of clothing, they dont tend to speak with their hands, they are usually very still, calm, and perceptible to those around, touchy but not soo touchy if they dont feel like youre going to like it, can be shy in the start and apologize for everything, comes off as very expressive, specially their faces and reactions, they shine and receive attetion even when they are not trying, theyperceive themselves as if they HAVE to be someone in life, they are always in control of their body, they know what they are doing, also in control of their expressions, a dramatic look in their eyes, they know you are looking at them, confident but sometimes can be very insecure so they put even more weight to their public persona, beautiful hairs (a lot of leo risings love to touch their hairs in a very natural way ???? 12 signs They always carry a smile and are usually dressed in casual attires. These people give off a feeling of energy, even when at rest. They may have short limbs, big breast. However, if this sign is betrayed, the sting . Lacking the jittery energy of other signs, they will generally make slower, more deliberate movements. SAGITTARIUS risings (heart emoji because I think Sagittarius risings need love, especially if youre Jyeshta in Vedic) tend to be very secretive. This oppositional energy will create someone who rejects the idea of partnership and who will sometimes overcompensate by asserting their individuality at any cost. Often twelfth house stelliums show areas of tremendous growth capabilities in this life. They may be artistic or enjoy fashion, design or other Venus-ruled activities. Compliment . Naturally, they tend toward a strong, athletic build, but can become plump due to their love of food, drink and (due to their ruler, Jupiter) excesses. Sagittarius: In fact, not being funny will really, really lose them. Id imagine that the Geminis in question would be Rohini Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, which is described by astrologers asbabylike and wanting to experience bliss all the time much like babies do. With flowing movements like the ocean or a dancer, they always seem small, even the very tall ones.

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