Rennert, 82, is worth $4.1 billion, Forbes magazine said. [32] She serves as the Director of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.[33] They have three children: Rennert is a member of the Fifth Avenue Synagogue, an Orthodox synagogue[38] where he is also honorary chairman.[39]. This backdoor Child IRA now becomes a valuable planning tool. The case is Renco Group Inc v Kaye Scholer LLP et al, New York State Supreme Court, New York County, No. First he was sued by a business partner. On January 14, 2011, the United States Court of Appeals sided with the EPA and upheld placing the site on the National Priority List. var d = new Date(); Terms included a $67.5 million cash payment with the remainder to be paid in various forms over a 10-year period. He denied such allegations, and the local paper later issued an apology. Renco Group Inc, Rennerts holding company, said neither it nor the mining mogul would have been liable had Kaye Scholer and partner Peter Haveles objected to faulty jury instructions that Rennert has said led to an irrational February 2015 verdict. Rennert caused controversy among his neighbors by building a beach front home in Sagaponack, New York, considered one of the largest occupied residential compounds in the United States. Retirees now have until age 73 to start RMDs. TRD Staff | January 10, 2018 06:05PM. mps.cloneAd = function() { return false; } "true" : "false") + "; expires=" + d.toUTCString() + "; path=/"; let cStart = document.cookie.indexOf(`${name}=`); Its property taxes in 2007 were $397,559.00. Rennert has a 114,000-square-foot Hamptons estate with an assessed value of $262 million. He was born to a Polish mother who emigrated from Poland at age 3 and a father who emigrated from Romania at age 13. Be alert for the times when there's a higher payoff from converting an IRA . We're a nonprofit (so it's tax-deductible), and reader support makes up about two-thirds of our budget. [29] They also established the Ira Leon Rennert Professor of Entrepreneurial Finance at New York University and founded the Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies at Bar-Ilan University. The case is Buchwald v Renco Group Inc et al, 2nd U.S. [21] Doe Run agreed to buy 160 homes in the contaminated area around the smelter at a cost of more than $10 million. Rennert denied that allegation. mps._adsheld.push(adunit) mps._log('**** LOADED: cnbc-cms-header-insert'); if (typeof adunit != "string") return false; He is confident that the new crop of NIMBYs poking up around Georgica Pond can help bring Rennert down to earth. The Rennerts are known to have donated to Rabbi Aharon Bina's new yeshiva in Israel, Yeshivat Netiv Aryeh, and are additionally honored with a plaque as well as their family upon entrance into the building. [citation needed] And in 1998, Doe Run sold $305 million in junk bonds for financing its Peruvian acquisition as well as more lead mines in Missouri (according to Doe Run filings with the SEC). for (var i in mps.response.dart.adunits) { His cause has the support of Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who in 2009 issued a statement complaining that noisy helicopters have tortured and tormented Long Island communities for far too long. More recently, the coalition took on the East Hampton Aviation Associationa nonprofit Dalene accuses of being a dark-money front for billionaireswith a campaign of dueling newspaper ads that helped get a pair of anti-chopper Democrats elected to the town board. Philanthropy. const ONE_TRUST_COOKIE_NAME = 'OptanonConsent'; const OneTrustCategories = { Rennert and Perelman, both Orthodox Jews, are members of the Fifth Avenue Synagogue, a stronghold of Israel hardliners. It is possible to move the funds you have saved in your retirement plan to a new IRA without any tax implications by getting in touch with your financial institution and asking for a trustee-to-trustee transfer. He reportedly donated funds to help restore the Western Wall in Jerusalem. A coalition of regulators recently reminded taxpayers about the risks of some self-directed IRAs. Helibuses typically service offshore oil platforms and the like, but two years ago billionaire industrialist Ira Rennert acquired a posh version to shuttle himself between Manhattan and Long Islands exclusive Hamptons, where he owns a 63-acre, 110,000-square-foot villa complex. !e;this.xhrGuids&&this.xhrGuids[n]&&(delete this.xhrGuids[n],this.totalCbs-=1)}),f.on("addEventListener-end",function(t,e){e instanceof m&&"load"===t[0]&&f.emit("xhr-load-added",[t[1],t[2]],e)}),f.on("removeEventListener-end",function(t,e){e instanceof m&&"load"===t[0]&&f.emit("xhr-load-removed",[t[1],t[2]],e)}),f.on("fn-start",function(t,e,n){e instanceof m&&("onload"===n&&(this.onload=!0),("load"===(t[0]&&t[0].type)||this.onload)&&(}),f.on("fn-end",function(t,e){this.xhrCbStart&&f.emit("xhr-cb-time",[,this.onload,e],e)})}},{}],16:[function(t,e,n){e.exports=function(t){var e=document.createElement("a"),n=window.location,r={};e.href=t,r.port=e.port;var o=e.href.split("://");!r.port&&o[1]&&(r.port=o[1].split("/")[0].split("@").pop().split(":")[1]),r.port&&"0"!==r.port||(r.port="https"===o[0]? In 2001, the Department of Justice filed suit against Magnesium Corp. for multiple violations of hazardous waste law, and also it cited Rennert's removal of money from Magnesium Corp. through the bond issue, "leaving the companies insolvent and unable to pay their bills". In 1996, Renco established Renco Metals, Inc. as a holding company for Magnesium Corp. and issued $150 million in bonds. Get this delivered to your inbox, and more info about our products and services. 'cag[attribution_source]' : 'CNBC US Source' , } But the situation has become intolerable over the past few years, Dalene says, thanks to a whirlybird craze among the investment bankers and hedge fund gurus who weekend in Sagaponack and Southampton. [21] In 2000, the EPA and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources tested area lead levels and ordered Doe Run to clean up locations where lead levels exceeded EPA standards. The multibuilding complex has 29 bedrooms, three swimming pools, a 164-seat theater, and a playhouse containing a basketball court, gym, and two-lane bowling alley. Billionaire Ira Rennert, who was fined in 2015 for using company funds to build a massive Hamptons estate, is suing his former lawyer for bungling his defense . The smelter was sold to Doe Run in 1997 primarily because the Peruvian government passed a law that required environmental improvement at the business. : (function() { return +new Date })(); Just like WCI, the company paid Renco $90 million in dividends by the year end. }); All Rights Reserved. 'hline' : 'Inside Wealth' , var _qs = window.location.href; OleHenriksen is finally getting into the collaboration space. The Rennerts also helped to fund the construction of The Western Wall Heritage Foundation in Jerusalem (the visitor's center is called The Ingeborg and Ira Leon Rennert Hall of Light). He blames the vibrations for literally damaging my home.. } At more than 43,000 square feet, the home is one of the largest residential compounds in America. 'subtype' : 'section' , Here's a video he recorded of Rennert's . Doe Run, Peru, (a Renco Group holding) operated a smelting plant in La Oroya, Peru until 2010, that had similar types of environmental challenges to those faced in Herculaneum, but on a larger scale. // All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Listen on Apple Podcasts. Clouds of sulfur dioxide from Doe Run Perus La Oroya smelter have scalded the surrounding Andean hills. cEnd = document.cookie.length; var _regex = /([^=&/<>()[].,;:s@"]+(.[^=&/<>()[].,;:s@"]+)*)@(([[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}])|(([a-zA-Z-0-9]+. if ( !== window.self) { if (isOneTrustAnyBlocked()) { (function() { AM General produced vehicles for military, industrial and government use, which includes theHumvee. Rennert's parents were Jewish immigrants from Poland and Romania. } S&P paying about $1.38B in government settlement. [25], Ultimately, Doe Run Peru was a bad investment for Renco on many counts. Fair Field caused an uproar in neighborhood when it was built in the late 1990s and inspired a novel called The House That Ate the Hamptons.. They have three children. return true; mps._queue.mpsinit = mps._queue.mpsinit || []; // check for region and redirect if country is in EEARegion Mr. Rennert's conglomerate, the Renco Group, will be required to pay the pensions of retirees who worked at a subsidiary that went bankrupt in 2012. Ira Rennert basically is a self made investor. [24] La Oroya was and remains a very polluted site. Rennert has since filed a countersuit claiming Perelman diverted as much as $175 million that should belong to Renco. Inexpensive, too! (The New York Times reported that the recent Romney fundraiser hosted by Perelman at his home, er, palace might have brought in $3 million.). NEW YORK (Reuters) - Billionaire Ira Rennert has filed a $214 million malpractice lawsuit against his former law firm, after a jury found him liable for looting his magnesium company to build a huge mansion in New Yorks Hamptons. 'cag[type_franchise]' : 'Inside Wealth' , }, mpsopts = { document.getElementsByTagName('meta')['tp:PreferredRuntimes'].setAttribute("content", "flash,html5"); Rennert, a friend of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has helped fund restoration of an ancient tunnel system near Jerusalems Wailing Wall, where the 1996 opening of a long-blocked route set off deadly riots. mps._queue.mpsloaded.push(function(){ Buchwald had contended that Rennert diverted money from MagCorp to help build his estimated 43,000-square-foot mansion, known as Fair Field, on 65 oceanfront acres in Sagaponack, on New Yorks Long Island. )+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))/; Terms included a $67.5 million cash imbursement with the remainder to be paid in various forms over a 10-year period. [11], In 1993, Renco acquired AM General from the LTV Corporation to help LTV emerge from bankruptcy. Based on these taxes, the home is currently valued at $198 million,[27] making it the most valuable home in the United States. SECURE 2.0 introduces a significant new provision for the surviving spouse of a deceased participant in an employer retirement plan. Ask Larry: Will Rolling My Pension Into An IRA Avoid Social Security's WEP Reductions? //end OneTrust Redirect This is real, he insists. mps.response.dart.adunits[i].data = '
' var pixelurl = ((document.location.protocol === 'https') ? They also gave over $1 million to the World Trade Center Memorial and established the Rennert Entrepreneurial Institute of Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University. 'site' : '' , mpsload.src = "//" + + "/fetch/ext/load-" + + ".js?nowrite=2"; Dalene figures the specter of pollution-spewing copters will compel his fellow Hamptonites to pay heed. [25] In August 2007, it was reported that air levels of arsenic levels were 85 times more than the "safe" level, cadmium 41 times, and lead 13 times more. Today, reader support makes up about two-thirds of our budget, allows us to dig deep on stories that matter, and lets us keep our reporting free for everyone. His purchase of AM General in 1992 was bought with a down payment of just $10 million. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #jenna, #jennagilbert . ), By the early aughts Rennert had found another winner in AM General, maker of the Humvee. [15] The EPA data recognizes this as the single largest reduction in air emissions in the category of hazardous air pollutants since the TRI began in 1987 at any single facility. When I inquire after the master of the house, he tells me to leave right now or Im going to have you arrested, which I take to mean Mr. Rennert is unavailable. if (typeof window === 'undefined') return; The lawsuit claims that Rennerts company has borrowed a total of $109 million from Ilshar Capital LLC since 2009. Ira Rennert ordered to pay $118M for looting his firm. Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday let stand a jury verdict against the mining mogul and his holding company Renco Group Inc, and won by a trustee liquidating the bankrupt Magnesium Corp of America, known as MagCorp. The EPA published its proposal to place the US Magnesium facility on the National Priorities List (NPL, a "Superfund site" under CERCLA) in the Federal Register on September 3, 2008. These investments were estimated to be approximately $100 million at the time of the deal. Rennert took his graduation degree from Brooklyn College in 1954 and took his masters degree from New York Universitys Stern School of Business in 1956. }); [19] US Magnesium was the recipient of a 2004 Climate Protection Award from the EPA[20] and won an MEP award in 2006 for Environmental Consciousness. Rennert and his wife Ingeborg have made many charitable donations to various organizations. The court also rejected Rennerts argument that the trustee was not entitled to a jury trial, and that the trial judge made multiple errors. Its environmental improvements and recent track record have been substantial and include a reduction of emissions by 90% since 2000 (97% since 1989). 'type' : 'blogpost' , In 2004, after the novelty of the popular Hummer H2 civilian model began to fade, Rennert sold a majority stake to Ronald Perelman, the billionaire owner of Revlon, whose heavily guarded estate on Georgica Pond is described as the cynosure of Hamptons nouvelle society by local author Steven Gaines in his book Philistines at the Hedgerow. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. return; Using junk bonds to finance his acquisitions of companies, often in bankruptcy, he has amassed significant . '; console.log('PUB-GDPR-CHECK all blocked. A Pocket Guide to Environmental Bad Guys, (New York: Thunder's Mouth Press). Watch popular content from the following creators: Captiv8(@captiv8_official), Itsjennarennert(@itsjennarennert), Itsjennarennert(@itsjennarennert), Itsjennarennert(@itsjennarennert), Itsjennarennert(@itsjennarennert) . Media related to Ira Rennert at Wikimedia Commons, The website address for the US Magnesium Superfund Site is, Toxic Lead Smelting Operation in La Oroya, Peru, Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 14:42, New York University's Stern School of Business, National Association of Securities Dealers, United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, List of investors in Bernard L. Madoff Securities, New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business, "SEC News Digest - Dixie Dinettes Files for Secondary", "Ira Rennert's House of Debt: How leverage made millions for a tarnished financier--and investors lost out", "Doe Run owner built empire on junk bonds", "US: U.S. Moves to Seize Pension Fund in Dispute With Renco | corpwatch", "U.S. Moves to Seize Bankrupt Steel Maker's Pension Plan", "Perelman Seeks Controlling Stake in Maker of Hummer", "Summaries of the 2004 Climate Protection Award Winner's Accomplishments", "Herculaneum Facility to Close After 120 Years in Operation", The Nation: "Religious Leaders Challenge Polluter" by Sara Shipley Hiles, "Poisoned city fights to save its children", "-Yeshiva University News - Gifts Boost Medical Research: Ten Professors Invested in Endowed Chairs at Albert Einstien College of Medicine", "Members of Congress, Obama Administration Go to Bat For Billionaire Investor", Vanity Fair: Letter from the Hamptons: Sand Simeon, New York Observer: "Big Deal! I could put my entire fucking family in that house and not even see em all dayaunts, uncles, everybody!. Related changes; Special pages; Permanent link; Page information; Wikidata item; Print/export. They are involved in real estate business and were in news for selling and purchasing grand mansions. [3], Rennert started his career as a credit analyst on Wall Street in 1956. Save big on a full year of investigations, ideas, and insights. [24], Doe Run Peru is currently in a dispute with the Peruvian government which in part relates to Doe Run's claims that Centromin did not live up to its obligations with regard to cleaning up the pre-existing pollution. Tamara Winn is the daughter of Ira. This is one of the first ones that we built for one of the Goldman Sachs partners, Dalene observes, gesturing at a shingled manse with a second-story deck framed by a reverse gambrel and doghouse dormers. Tamara is married to Randy Winn. Representatives of a now-defunct mining business he used to own . That ended a lawsuit in which the U.S. Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp accused Renco of trying to evade $70 million of obligations. [8] Newspaper reports speculated that the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation had threatened to put a lien on Rennert's personal estate in order to ensure the steelworkers' benefits. [citation needed], Rennert's strategy for building Renco was to acquire all the shares of struggling companies and to finance the acquisition by issuing junk bonds. Biography. CNBC_Comscore = 'Business_News'; return 'Military Invisibility Cloak,
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